LEAIP Apps are all about helping people to be highly effective in an easy and fun way whether that's organizing ideas/things in LEAIP Sticky's or applying LEAIP methodology using LEAIP Surfacing, Acuity, or Progress! while being guided by LEAIP Master
LEAIP accelerated improvement methodology is a deceptively simple, but incredibly effective continuous improvement tool. It is for making any process or situation even more successful, with an approach that is for people from all walks of life.
As a process improvement tool, LEAIP apps and methodology are especially accessible to those who know and operate the targeted process, the experts!, regardless of prior experience in continuous improvement.
LEAIP Apps built for collaboration on iPad:
LEAIP App Bundle
LEAIP Sticky's App
LEAIP App Guides Where you can find the guides for LEAIP apps
LEAIP Master App
LEAIP Progress! App
Click on the icons to learn more
LEAIP Surfacing App
LEAIP Acuity App